Wanderers Wonder
Discover my view of the world through my blog!
This is not a scientific blog, but merely a vision resulting from both my personal and professional experience – my travel to the heart of life.

6 Steps to finding when to seek help
So we talked here about embracing the fall and listening to your feelings, doing some research. Today, let us take this one step further and list the criteria to think about when you know that you’re feeling “bad”. Do keep in mind however that all these are minimal compared to your own subjectivity: if you feel something is wrong, I encourage you to seek help. I mean, what’s the worst that can happen? If you seek help and you don’t need it, you will be sent back home with a clearer mind. The contrary however, is way more risky: you will be going about your life unwell and unaware of a possible easier or better way to live.

Here’s the season to be jolly chalala… not
Here we are, it’s December.
The year flew by in a second.
Most of us can’t really see how the year went by so quickly. I know I spent a year traveling back and forth and here I am back at this same desk, reminiscing on all these experiences.
But enough about me now, I had a message I wanted to send through in anticipation of the holidays to come. This season is beautiful, but beware of what they don’t tell you.

Play with your team: watch out for the goal keepers
Thought of the day: stay away from people who can’t be happy for you, and don’t know how to be there in times of need.

What is cognitive behavioral therapy and why is it the best to choose from?
Of the most interesting classes in Psychology major (depending who’s giving it of course) is “the History and Systems of Psychology”. I believe I had the greatest teacher for it (wink to Mr. Dietrich) as I spent a passionate semester going through methods psychologists followed around the globe across history. The course explained how we got to where we are today, and most importantly: what were the lessons learned.

It’s a flawed world after all!
A heart-breaking truth I came to know as an evolving psychologist is that we are all flawed. If I were to count perfectly healthy people in my environment – those with no visible anxiety issue, attachment issue, and so on- I think the count would rise up to 3 or 4. I couldn’t even do a walk of fame with the people I had gathered!

Around the world from a psychological perspective
I want to start a blog. I have always wanted to become one of them. Those people who put words to their lives and into the worlds of others. I decided to become it, but the difficulty has always been in finding the topic to pick. The to-pic-to-pic. Choices make me uncomfortable. I have always hated it, even when I was a kid, and I had to pick my favorite color: I kept thinking of all the other colors that were left behind as I picked. All colors are pretty, why make them feel “not enough”?
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Wonderer's Wanders